Fearless Generosity – Fearless Giving

The Job Description has not changed.  If anything, the work in front of us has become all the more clear.  As people of faith, we want to be a positive force in the world. And we have opportunities all around us to be bold, welcoming and fearless in how we practice and live out our … [Read more…]

Fearless Generosity – Fearless Investing

“Fearless Investing” – investing resources of time, ability, passion, money, love – investing all of it into someone or a project of some kind – with the full realization that we may never know the impact – we may never know the yield, the result of that investment – but nevertheless, we trust and believe … [Read more…]

Fearless Generosity – Fearless Service

How do we grow ‘fearless’ in generosity and in service?  We practice. We grow in trust and courage by practicing our faith – by being generous with our time and ability and resources – by stretching and extending ourselves to be about Godly things – as we recognize God’s grace and presence, both in the … [Read more…]

Fearless Generosity – Fearless Living

But what does it mean to show Fearless Generosity?  Can we trust that in creation God has provided everything that we need to thrive – that the resources are there – the gifts and abilities to overcome challenges are all there – that there is nothing that we can’t overcome because we are made in … [Read more…]

Don’t Give Up

In his wrestling with God, Jacob was changed and transformed – not into somebody different – but instead becoming more and more the person God had created him to be. That encounter refining and defining him in his story. Genesis 32:22-31  The same night [Jacob] got up and took his two wives, his two maids, … [Read more…]

Trust the Process

The question for us today is not whether or not we should trust the process – but whose process we should trust. 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man and in high favor with his master, because by him the Lord had given victory to … [Read more…]

It’s About Vision

This is a story in which Jesus calls us to confront the reality that every day we pass by people who are in desperate need—sometimes in obvious ways, but often in far deeper, less obvious ways too –and we walk right by:  Luke 16:19-31 [Jesus said:] There was a rich man who was dressed in … [Read more…]