I am interested in becoming a member. Who can I contact?

We would love to have you join Gloria Dei. Visit our contact page or email us directly at info@gloriadeinorthbrook.org.

Is Gloria Dei affiliated with a particular denomination?

We are a congregation of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are also a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation.

We invite you to speak with our pastor or visit the ELCA website to learn more about being part of this community.

When is worship?

Worship is on Sundays at 10 AM. You can join us in-person or virtually. To join us online, please visit our YouTube page.

What should I do when I arrive?

When you arrive, there is a coat area adjacent to the sanctuary where you can put your coat while visiting with us. If you are early, enjoy a cup of coffee if you’d like and grab a seat on a couch nearby. If you have any questions, feel free to ask an usher.

Is there a dress code?

No, please come as you are.

Can my children join us for worship?

Yes, we love to have children worship with us. Gloria Dei also offers Sunday School at 9 AM. If your child needs a break during the service, we offer a nursery (not staffed, so please stay with your child when using the room).

There are bins with activities and coloring pages located outside the worship area and our nursery is located in the hallway behind the east coat rack area. A special sermon called Jesus’ Kids invites them to come forward and learn about the lesson at their level of understanding.

Do I have to share that I am visiting?

No, we are glad that you are here and will greet you with smiles and handshakes, while respecting that your relationship with the Lord is a personal matter. You are encouraged to write your name in the Red Friendship book located at the end of each pew or you may fill out a visitor card/envelope available in the pew rack.

Do I have to give during the offering?

At some point after the sermon, offering plates will be passed around. This is an opportunity for our regular members to actively respond to the generosity God has given them by giving to support his church through the ministries at Gloria Dei. We certainly do not expect or require visitors to put anything in the offering plate, though you are welcome to if you like. Visitor envelopes are located in the pew rack as well as Prayer Request cards should you wish to offer up a request for healing and support. These cards may be placed in the offering plate as well.

How do I participate in the service?

Basically, everything you need in order to follow the service is in the bulletin. There’s no need to juggle multiple books and papers – even the hymns are included! Responses are printed in bold and you are invited to stand for all sections marked with an asterisk. Large-print versions of the bulletin are available from the ushers. The pastor or worship assistants will give directions for any special presentations or responsive reading. You can drop-off your copy of the bulletin in our recycling basket located by the door on your way out.

Can I take Communion, and how does it work?

In Holy Communion, we celebrate the presence of our Risen Lord. All are invited to come and receive the good gifts of God’s Grace. The ushers will invite you to come forward to the altar down the center aisle. Those wishing to receive Communion are offered bread and the Pastor or Communion Assistant will say “The body of Christ, given for you.” You may answer “Amen”. Next, you are offered red wine or white grape juice served in individual cups on a tray. The Communion assistant will say “The blood of Christ, shed for you.” You may answer “Amen” again. Place the used cup in the basket, and return to your seat via the side aisle. Children are encouraged to come forward to receive a blessing. Often they are asked to put out their hand and the sign of the cross is made in it. If you wish to take communion but are unable to walk to the front of the church, just notify the usher, and the Pastor will bring the bread and wine to you at your chair.